Top Things to Do Near the Devils Marbles

One of the top attractions in the Red Centre is the Devils Marbles.

The Devils Marbles, also known as Karlu Karlu, are a collection of boulders that seem to defy gravity. You may be surprised to see large, circular boulders balancing on top of one another.

This formation was carefully created by nature over the course of millions of years. It is believed that the boulders cracked off of a larger formation and settled where they are today. The rocks were then rounded by thousands of years of erosion.

You don’t want to miss this landmark if you’re visiting the Red Centre! Lucky for you, there are heaps of fun things to check out nearby.

Visit the Nyinkka Nyunyu Art and Culture Centre

The Warumungu community decided to develop an arts centre. It was decided that the main themes of this art and cultural centre would be country, language, bush tucker and resources, history and family. In 2003 the centre opened and it has been welcoming locals and visitors ever since!

When visiting, you’ll find artwork from featured artists, ranging from paintings to carvings and everything in between. There are plenty of exhibits to explore and learn about the culture of the Warumungu people.

Head over to Battery Hill Mining Centre

The Battery Hill Mining Centre is a museum located in Tennant Creek. This is where you can learn all about the gold mining history of the area. In fact, this location used to be the third-largest producer of gold in Australia.

The museum is curated with three different exhibits to teach visitors all about the town’s history. These exhibits include social history, the McLaughlin minerals collection and the Borella ANZAC story. You’ll be able to see old machinery, a collection of minerals that were mined and uncover life in the 1930’s gold rush.

Soak up the sun at Lake Mary Ann

Located 5 kilometres north of Tennant Creek is Lake Mary Ann. This hidden gem can be found just past the Honeymoon Ranges via walking path.

Once you arrive at the lake, there are lots of options for enjoying the day. You may choose to soak up the sun and have a cosy picnic. Or you may want to barbecue and check out the bushwalking tracks. If you feel like getting into the water, you can go for a swim or stay dry on a canoe. This is the perfect spot for a tranquil day surrounded by nature.

Check out the Telegraph Station

The Tennant Creek Telegraph Station is a fascinating place to visit if you’re a fan of history. You can walk around the old buildings and get a glimpse into what it was like over 140 years ago. There are lots of interesting tidbits to learn while exploring the area. One fascinating fact is that this area was connected to the rest of the world in the late 1800s.

If you are planning to visit, be sure to pick up the keys from the Battery Hill Mining Centre.

Cameron Ward

Managing Director at Sightseeing Tours Australia

Cameron Ward turned his travel passion into a thriving Australian tourism business. Before he co-founded his own business, Sightseeing Tours Australia, he was enjoying being a Melbourne tour guide. Even now, Cameron delights in helping visitors from all around the world get the most out of their incredible Australian trip. You’ll see Cameron leading tours or writing about his favourite Australian places where he shares his local insights.

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